Security Cameras

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Full HD security camera systems at Ridgeway Computers

Ridgeway Computers offers security camera sales and service including installation and repair of these. We cater to the business clients as also domestic customers who wish to secure their ambiences against untoward trespassing by the anti social elements, strangers and persons otherwise unauthorized to enter the office. We deal in complete range of surveillance cameras and associated paraphernalia like the DVR and NVR set ups to make your place fully secured. All the cameras and allied components of the security architecture are sourced directly from the leading companies and their authorized distributors around the world. This ensures that you get only genuine products with fail proof operations together with the warranties intact in case of any discrepancy developing in them.

Quality Service Credentials

Dedicated and efficient service on our part makes Ridgeway Computers the trusted and preferred security cameras destination in Canada. Prompt service is also offered by our well trained engineers who are always ready to deliver technical assistance online, through email or phone in real time to the corporate and domestic clients. Customized service in the segment of security cameras is our hallmark and we cater to our clients after ascertaining their demands de novo each time. This ensures that you get the perfect solution that is designed as per the needs of your ambient security. Our engineers visit the site and make the thorough assessment and then recommend the appropriate arrangement. Maintenance and care support is also available by Ridgeway Computers for its existing clients.

Latest Security Camera Systems

We offer high quality full HD security camera systems that come with latest functionalities like motion sensors, audio capture, tilting, two way audio communication, image stabilization and other smart features. You can also choose from the CCTV DVR type and the IP based NVR type security feeds systems as per your requirements.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)