Computer Repair

Computer Repair Service in Mississauga, Ontario

Ridgeway Computers offer All brands Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple Mac, iMac and so on PC-Laptop repair service.

Whatever the problem with your computer -software, hardware, a virus, spyware or malware -we offer to repair it. We can install new components and software as required and provide ongoing support and maintenance to both home and business users.

Ridgeway Computers Care of your Computer problem as following area:

Onsite Services

Ridgeway Computers IT business services are available on-site, at your workplace

Secure Data Destruction

Looking for a secure place to dispose of your unwanted usable laptop, Desktop


In today’s Ridgeway Computers no computer exists on its own.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)