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Laptop repair Milton | Laptop repair in Burlington CA

We offer laptop services Milton. We offer laptop repair Milton screens, DC Jack repair, keyboards & more Laptop repair in Burlington CA

Call to ask any question (905) 607-0096

Who We Are?

Ridgeway Computers, a division of are a company dedicated to providing the highest standards computer Sale service & repair for home & business customers. We have award winning customer service, and have been recognized by numerous organizations for our high standards of customer care. We appreciate that when your computer breaks, you don’t want to be without it for very long, so we aim to have same day service and try to complete repairs in the shortest timeframe possible.

As a computer Sale service & repair company, we enjoy the challenges and excitement that comes from the job, and love the satisfaction that comes with exceeding a customer’s expectations. So if you are experiencing computer troubles why not give us a call and allow one of our friendly staff to show you how quick and painless it is to have your computer or laptop repaired today.

What Do We Do?

“We’ll do our best to do what’s best for you!” we won’t leave until you are satisfied that your computer is working exactly how you want it! We only deal with home users and very small businesses, which makes us ideal for common problems that you may run into such as virus and spyware removal, setting up broadband internet and wireless networks, as well as those annoying problems where the computer simply won’t turn on. In short, if you have any problem with your home or small business computer – we can fix it, and in most cases much faster than you would expect.

Why Are We The Best?

We provide same day service and aim to have the issue resolved where ever possible. No one wants to be without their computer or laptop, so we aim to complete all work whenever possible.

We have the best customer service -. We have won awards for our service and are always looking to improve how we work. We know that not everyone knows how to use a computer, or knows the difference between a modem and a hard drive – so when you call us, you speak to a real person who can guide you through the repair process in your language!

We offer flexible trading hours. We know that people have hectic schedules to maintain these days. Whether it be doing overtime in the office, or having to rush the kids to soccer training, we know your time is precious. That’s why we offer after hours repairs where ever possible, and try to work around your lifestyle as best we can.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)